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Golden Idea Generated Golden +500.000 Result

I try to keep positive thoughts in my mind all the time. Never stop learning, keep your inspiration up – that is my daily mantra. And guess what happened? A while ago I got a great new idea to use my profile in a new creative way… +518,476 visitors!
Markku´s Statistics 21.03.2014Golden Idea Generated Golden Result

As a sales professional I´ve been obligated to watch the social media platforms, the ecosystem generally. Is there an opportunity for me as a frontier? Is there something the others don´t see?

The RockMelt, before Yahoo bought it, was something I could not just pass by. The platform engaged me in a deep way. When Yahoo put the lights out and stopped RockMelt, it did not stop my social media love for it. Simplified – I could not forget it.

On that time I had an idea. Why don´t I try my own behavior on an other platform? Why not! I started to do same things on profile than I did on RockMelt. All this in middle of the October 2013. And ques what, things started to rock ´n´ roll for me. The stats started to rise like a rocket and that was petrol to my enthusiastic engine, oh yeah – I was surfing on the wave!

AboutMe profile have harvest +518,476 visitors in 2014, now  about 59.000/month

?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????See the happy social media enthusiast =) my creative idea have generated 100.223 visitors to my profile just in 5 months. That was amazing, but not all. In June 2014 visitors have risen up to +80.000 per month generating total +518,476 at this year alone!

My advise to you – try to keep positive thoughts in your mind all the time. Never stop learning, keep your inspiration up – that should be your daily mantra!

Best Regards,

Markku Tauriainen

PS. I haven´t decided yet – will I start to use payed version of the So far so good =) Question: Where is the first platform, which can give one million followers to me, in no time? is leading. It has produced me awesome +518,476 visitors in 10 months.